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Marketing Pointers

  • I Reviewed the Best AI Image Generators for 2025
    by Ryan Law on January 21, 2025 at 2:58 pm

    At Ahrefs, we have a team of extremely skilled (and very human) designers, but not everyone has that luxury. I wanted to know: are AI image generators useful for spinning up quick social media posts, creating blog post graphics, or…Read more ›

  • Our 9 Best ChatGPT Alternatives for 2025 (So Far)
    by Louise Linehan on January 17, 2025 at 12:02 pm

    And, unfortunately, the problems don’t end there—ChatGPT also serves up middle-of-the-road content, and charges you a fair whack for the privilege. Can you get the same (or better) functionality from a different AI tool? I think so. I am currently…Read more ›

  • 100 Most Expensive Keywords for Google Ads in 2025
    by Si Quan Ong on January 17, 2025 at 11:14 am

    These are the 100 most expensive keywords on Google Ads, along with their monthly search volume and cost per click (CPC). The main reason is due to Google’s ads mechanism: Companies have to outbid each other in order to secure…Read more ›

Is Your Business Scalable?

Scalability is essential for business growth, efficiency, and long-term success. A scalable business model allows companies to meet increasing demands, optimize costs, adapt to changing market dynamics, and attract investment. By constantly evaluating and enhancing scalability, businesses can effectively navigate the ever-changing landscape and achieve sustainable growth.

It Pays to Listen!


“Listening” is the number one trait of master networkers. In the social media world “listening” means paying attention, having your antennas up, knowing when and how to respond to what’s going on around you. A good “listener” is better equipped to ride the waves of opportunity as well as avoid the pitfalls of misfortune. As listening skills increase, expect to see an increase in marketing efficiency and a decrease in outcome volatility.

Charge More, Work Less! Thanks, “Branding!”

Did you know that consumers will pay more for a popular brand than a no-name brand? Consumers will also buy a popular brand more often, whether they need it or not. Advertising is understandably required for immediate, direct-action sales, but another important benefit is the long-term branding of your service into the minds of consumers. (more…)