These are different times. Once upon a time there were warning signals that your world was about to be turned upside down. There was writing on the wall, smoke in the air, dead canaries in the mine. Unfortunately, there are few harbingers in these different times.
Beware the Ides of March, and Beware of Being Unlikeable!
Many have stated that they don’t care whether people like them or not. With that attitude they will certainly get their wish.
News flash for the “I don’t care if you like me” crowd. You are making things much harder than they need to be. Humans instinctively prefer to deal with likeable people. So, when you find yourself on the losing end of contest between a seemingly equal combatant, you might ask yourself if your `likeability` played a role.
Why Send Flowers to the Boss Who Fired You?
Have you ever gone to a party and stayed entirely too long?
The ice has melted; your coat is one of the remaining few on the upstairs bed; your car is in an awkward spot because all the ones that were around you are now gone; the music has gotten curiously low; the lights are blinking.
You Don’t Have to be a King to Give
There is a sense of anxiety in the air, and for good reason.
The country is in a perpetual state of change. Race and race relations continue to hold center stage. The chasm between the haves and have-nots has reached epidemic proportions. The country is divided like never before. Politicians create fear among their constituencies with no apparent regard for the harm to the country. The citizenry has withdrawn into a cocoon of pseudo security, closing their minds as well as their wallets. ‘Giving’ is at an all-time low. (more…)
Disability Awareness, Inclusion and Equality; the Business of Giving; Headlines and More!
Disability Awareness, Inclusion and Equality! Tune in to MPI-TV along with Eta Phi Beta Sorority on Dec 3rd 2021 for the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, special edition show. Robert Gatewood, MBA will host a forum of mental health experts and advocates to raise awareness to challenges and opportunities facing the disabled.
Anson County NC Candidates Forum – Hosted by MPI-TV
Learn more about the people running for office in Anson County NC during this virtual event broadcast LIVE on MPI (Marketing Pulpit International). You can tune into the event on October 28th at 6pm at, or on MPI at