Closing All Non-Essential Businesses

Number: COVID19-04
Date: March 23, 2020
Re: Order of the Governor of the State of Maryland, Number 20-03-23-01, dated March 23, 2020,
Amending and Restating the Order of March 19, 2020, Prohibiting Large Gatherings and
Events and Closing Senior Centers, and Additionally Closing All Non-Essential Businesses
and Other Establishments
At this time, the Office of Legal Counsel recommends that the Administration interpret the above referenced Order as follows:

(See complete list)

Are You Online-Ready?

The recent coronavirus may be testing your business model and its viability. Accordingly, it has many business owners asking the questions, “Was I prepared? When this thing is over, will I go back to business as usual, or will I be the benefactor of valuable lessons- learned?”

One of the hallmarks of business success is Location, location , location.

Let’s look at some possible recalculations we might consider when it comes to your business location in 3 critical areas. Physical, Technical and Mental. (more…)

Don’t Let COVID-19 Derail Your Purpose

The Cornonavirus is a serious matter, but so is the survival of your business. Take the necessary precautions to protect your family, business, clients and other stakeholders, but remember, they will all suffer if your business fails.

Keep in mind that your purpose is unconditional. It is impervious to highs and lows. It supercedes pandemics. The current crisis should reinforce that belief not depreciate it. Check out the Pandemic Crisis Survival Tips below. They should help with you navigate COVID-19 and as well as the next pandemic that comes along. (more…)