The recent coronavirus may be testing your business model and its viability. Accordingly, it has many business owners asking the questions, “Was I prepared? When this thing is over, will I go back to business as usual, or will I be the benefactor of valuable lessons- learned?”
One of the hallmarks of business success is Location, location , location.
Let’s look at some possible recalculations we might consider when it comes to your business location in 3 critical areas. Physical, Technical and Mental.
Physical – Where are you physically?
• Is your location accessible, convenient?
• Is your location safe, secure?
• Are you around like-minded people who have your back?
Technical – Where are you technologically?
• Can you conduct routine tasks online, i.e. information gathering, collecting payments, scheduling appointments?
• Which services can you move or duplicate online?
• Can you expand your audience with technology?
Mental – Where are you mentally?
• Are you in this for the long haul?
• Are you flexible, nimble?
• Are you thinking ahead?
Remember that your purpose doesn’t change just because circumstances change. If it’s truly your purpose, you’ll find a way to get it done, regardless.
Let’s use this moment to shake ourselves from a business slumber. In these uncertain times we have to be better prepared for uncertainty, and we have to be ready to reinvest in a future that includes the ability to conduct business in multiple locations and platforms, including online.
If you need help enhancing your online capabilities, we’ve done it for others and we can do it for you, too! Contact Gatewood for a FREE Consultation by phone or email. Call 301-839-2836, email or visit