On Friday Sept 6th 2019 at 10:30 am, join Robert Gatewood MBA and Therapist Weena Cullins on the Marketing Pulpit radio show. The team will discuss business development, family therapy, marketing, mental health, social media, politics, breaking news stories and more!
At 11am, Therapist Cullins tackles the topic “Why Are You Attracting Emotionally Unavailable Partners?” For more information on Weena and her practice, visit weenacullins.com or call (301) 592-7244.
Special Guest, Social Media Influencer Guest Dana Chanel, will share her story and discuss how to “Escape Poverty Through Entrepreneurship.” You can find out more at www.danachanel.com
Gatewood will climb onto the Pulpit at 11:15 am to deliver his Marketing Sermon, “What Is It So Hard to Say NO to FOMO?”
For assistance with your marketing, web, social media, and partnering opportunities, contact Robert Gatewood, MBA at 301-839-2836 or robert@gatewoodmba.com. He’s done it for others, and he can help you too!
You can hear the show live on WOL 95.9FM and 1450 AM at http://woldcnews.com, see it on Facebook LIVE or join the discussion by calling 1-800-450-7876.