OnFriday’s show, Dr. Clark and Ms Tabor will provide information on free dental services that are paid for by your tax dollars. Dr. Clark can be reached at clardfdd@gmail.com.
Guest host Antonio Cheeks will discuss leadership traits and what it means to embrace “healthy leadership.” Mr. Cheeks can be reached at antonio@cheekscommunications.com
Gatewood will climb onto the Pulpit at 11:15 am to deliver his Marketing Sermon, “Are You Broadcasting or Down Playing-Your ‘Black Business’ Status?” For help with your marketing, web and social media needs, Contact Robert Gatewood, MBA at 301-839-2836 or robert@gatewoodmba.com
You can hear the show live on WOL 95.9FM and 1450 AM at http://woldcnews.com or join the discussion by calling 1-800-450-7876.