Therapist Weena
On Friday March 16th 2018 at 10:30 am, join Robert Gatewood, Weena Cullins and Folasade Ayegbusi on the Marketing Pulpit radio show. The team will discuss business development, accounting, mental health, social media, marketing, current events, mental health, politics, accounting, sports, breaking news stories and more.

Accountant Foloasade
Therapist Cullins discusses “More Money, More Problems: How Double Standards Around Income Affect Relationships.” For more information on Ms. Cullins and her practice, visit www.weenacullins.com.
Are you wondering how filing by the tax deadlines, or not, will affect your returns? Enter “the Money Zone with Folasade,” as she advises on how to adhere with you business and personal tax responsibilities. Tune in on March 16th to hear Folasade. She is CEO of Accounting with Folasade www.accountingwithfolasade.com (240-582-7109).
At 11:15am Robert Gatewood will climb onto the Pulpit to deliver his Marketing Sermon, “LOCATIO, LOCATION, LOCATION: The 3 Places You Must Plant Your Flag to Succeed in Business.” Gatewood will also discuss HUBZones and what a business must do to qualify. Gatewood can be reached directly at 301-839-2836 or Robert@gatewoodmba.com
Click here to listen on 1450 WOL-AM or Tunein. Call 1-800-450-7876 to join the discussion.
Listen to the show below: