On Friday March 2nd 2018 10:30 am, join the Marketing Pulpit Team of Robert Gatewood, MBA and Attorney Tisha Hillman as they discuss business topics, current events, business news stories, the law and more.
Special Guest and Doreen Vail, will offer tips on economic empowerment and what it takes to become moneywise. Doreen is a 2009 Stellar Award nominee for Contemporary Female Artist of the Year for her sophomore project entitled Odyssey. She was in this prestigious category with Regina Belle and CeCe Winans. She will discuss his upcoming financial empowerment seminar. Mr. Kelvin Boston, the Daniel A. Payne Community Development Corporation (DAPCDC), and Metropolitan AME Church team up once again for their 7th “Moneywise Financial Empowerment Tour” which is designed to guide you and your family to financial and entrepreneurial success. Click here or call (202) 331-1426 to register.
On today’s show, Attorney Hillman will discuss child support. Attorney Hillman can be reached at www.tshillmanlaw.com or (301) 744-7996.
Gatewood will climb onto the Pulpit next week to deliver his Marketing Sermon, “3 M’s That Every Business Owner Needs to Succeed!” Gatewood will also discuss, “What Topics to Avoid and What Topics Are Safe at Networking Events.” You can reach Gatewood at 301-839-2836 or Robert@GatewoodMBA.com
You can hear the show live at http://woldcnews.com or join the discussion by calling 1-800-450-7876.
Listen to show below: