On Sept. 22,2015 BDI hosted an important forum, BRIDGING THE COMMUNICATION DIVIDE, at Veterans Plaza in downtown Silver Spring.
The event, which was moderated by MPI’s Robert Gatewood, included panelists, President Obama appointee and FCC Commissioner Mignon L. Clyburn along with Karen Cheeks, CEO of Cheeks Communications.

Commissioner Clyburn, Robert Gatewoood and Karen Cheeks
The Bethune-DuBois Institute (BDI) is a nonprofit-organization founded by Dr. C. DeLores Tucker for the purpose of helping students and young adults achieve both a quality education and leadership development guidance.
One way of doing this is to host solution-oriented public policy forums on critical issues in the arenas of health, education, economics, culture or politics.
Don’t miss the next segment of this important forum featuring Commissioner Clyburn. We’ll inform you first, here at the Marketing Pulpit.