On Friday’s show, Wellologist Candice Camille will address the “The Business of Your Body!” Candice can be reached at facebook.com/Candice.Camille.
Special Guest Bradley Thomas will the rise, fall and rejuvenation of the band 98.6. He’ll also share some of the pitfalls that await artists and how to protect intellectual property. Bradley can be reached at www.bradleythomaslaw.com. For information on the band 98.6 or to order their comeback CD, visit np6.band.
Gatewood will climb onto the Pulpit to deliver his Marketing Sermon “Transition Marketing – Getting Back to Business!” Contact Robert Gatewood, MBA at 301-839-2836 or robert@gatewoodmba.com
Catch the show LIVE on Facebook, YouTube, and Periscope TV or join the discussion by calling 1-877-235-1162.