On Friday’s show, Bernadette Clay, CEO of BLE Executive Suites, will address “Tapping the Power Within!” Ms. Clay can be reached at 301-322-1700 or by visiting www.blesuites.com
Special Guest, Dr. Willie Jolley will take us back to his musical roots as he discusses “Time Will Tell” the story of the band 98.6. Dr. Jolley can be reached at www.williejolley.com.
Gatewood will climb onto the Pulpit at 10:50 am to deliver his Marketing Sermon “May Day, M’aidez: Let’s Start the Month with a Helping Hand!” For help with your marketing, web and social media needs, Contact Robert Gatewood, MBA at 301-839-2836 or robert@gatewoodmba.com
Catch the show LIVE on Facebook, YouTube, and Periscope TV or join the discussion by calling 1-877-235-1162.
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