On Friday April 3rd 2019 at 10:30 am, join Robert Gatewood MBA on the Marketing Pulpit radio show.   Gatewood will discuss the latest COVID-19 business news, advertising, social media, marketing, technology and more.On Friday’s show, educators Shawna Fagbuyi and Stephanie Gobbo will help parents successfully engage with students a home by providing “5 Strategies for Virtual Learning Success!” For more information visit www.academicchariot.com.

Gatewood will climb onto the Pulpit to deliver his Marketing Sermon “How to Recalibrate Your Industry Life Cycle Strategies for Your Business” For help with your marketing, web and social media needs, Contact Robert Gatewood, MBA at 301-839-2836 or robert@gatewoodmba.com

You can see the show live on Facebook.com @ facebook.com/marketingpulpit.



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