Hosts Weena Collins and Robert Gatewood
On Friday February 16th 2018 at 10:30 am, join Robert Gatewood, MBA and Therapist Weena Cullins as they discuss business development, networking, mental health, social media, marketing, current events, politics, breaking news stories and more.
Are you wondering if your relationships are helping or hindering your success? Therapist Weena Cullins, discusses “Love and Money” on Friday’s show. You can reach Ms. Cullins at weenacullins.com.
Do you have the right mindset for business? Tune in to the Marketing Pulpit Show on to hear special guest and small business specialist Kendra Simmons as she provides tips on how to create a money mindset. You can reach Ms. Simmons at www.kendradee.com or 301-658-2388.
Robert Gatewood will climb on the Pulpit and deliver his Marketing Sermon, “Which of the 3 Networking Types Are You?” Contact Gatewood at 301-839-2836, robert@gatewoodmba.com or visit www.gatewoodmarketing.com to help you get ready for 2018.
Click here to listen on 1450 WOL-AM or Tunein. Call 1-800-450-7876 to join the discussion.
Listen to show below: