On Friday March 10th 2017 at 10:30 am, join the Marketing Pulpit Team of Robert Gatewood, MBA  and  guest-host Edward Tate. The entertaining show brings you marketing tips, news stories, commentary and an exciting line-up of guests.

Edward Tate delves into the world of music and its sociological impact on the community. He will also introduce his new project “Message in the Music.”  You can contact Mr. Tate at http://www.messageinthemusic.net or call (202) 304-2378.

Rounding out the show Robert Gatewood offers  computer terms to explain the latest White House drama. He will also deliver his flagship Marketing Sermon,  “How to Make Money with Your YouTube Videos!”  Contact Gatewood at 301-839-2836 or robert@gatewoodmba.com.

Click here to listen on 1450 WOL-AM  or Tunein. Call 1-800-450-7876 to join the discussion.

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