gatewood-speaking-HOLLAMarketing Pulpit’s Robert Gatewood recently traveled to North Carolina on a mission to encourage young men to prepare for a future that is increasingly technology-based. The event was sponsored by the non-profit, HOLLA, which partnered with the Anson County school system to present the AHS Youth Career Connect (YCC) Motivation and Mentoring Retreat on April 8th.

Gatewood broadcast a live radio segment during the event. The segment featured HOLLA’s founder, Leon Gatewood, as well as two of the participants in the YCC program, Timothy Marshall and Justin Lee.

IMG_4728YCC is a President Obama initiative designed to retool the high school experience for America’s youth, challenging schools to scale up innovative models that personalize teaching and learning so that students stay on track to graduate with the knowledge and skills they’ll need to succeed in college and in careers, exposing them to learning that links their studies in school to future college and career pathways – especially in the critically important fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

Listen to show on console below :

HOLLA – YCC Interview starts at 25:06 point on console above.


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