mpi-logo-mike-2wJoin Gatewood, Alena7 and Maxwell on July 10th as they discuss whether your website has fallen out of favor with Google.

If you’ve ever thought to yourself, or said out loud, “I want my website to come up on Google,” then you are not alone. If you’ve ever wondered why it doesn’t come up on Google, it could be because you are not keeping with what it takes to stay on Google.

This past spring Google announced that it would favor sending traffic to websites that are mobile-friendly. If your website is not easily readable on smartphones and tablets, Google just might kick you to  the curb (if it hasn’t already.)

While that’s not the only criteria that keeps you in Google’s favor, it’s pretty big one. It’s also a big one for your company since 30% of your website’s total traffic may be coming from Google.

Take this test to see if your website is mobile-friendly.

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