Carmen Johnson, the Housing Chair of the Maryland State Conference, NAACP spear-heads the campaign requesting an emergency Moratorium to freeze foreclosures in the State of Maryland. The Maryland State Conference, NAACP is asking the General Assembly to create an emergency bill for a Moratorium for the State of Maryland for at least 6 months. They are also requesting that existing laws be enforced in order to help homeowners save their homes.
To catch the bus to a rally in Annapolis, email by Friday February 21, 2014. See video of previous rally at Jericho which attracted over 500 attendees. MPI was a proud sponsor of the event.
Too many homeowners in Maryland are losing their homes or are at risk of losing their homes. Maryland has an extremely high rate of foreclosures compared to other states. Some homes have been foreclosed on illegally and others may have been unlawfully denied modification options. Whatever the circumstances may be, we know that this issue needs to be addressed and dealt with immediately. Therefore, we are diligently working to bring the issues of the homeowners in Maryland to the forefront in our state official’s and legislator’s offices. There are far too many homeowners in Maryland who are at risk of foreclosure or already in foreclosure. list of websites As of Jan 2014 we are now number 3 in the nation for foreclosures.
On February 24, 2014 from 4:30pm to 8:pm you will have an opportunity to lift your voice and let the state officials know that we are not going to sit back and allow our homes to continue being subjected to illegal practices by the banks. We need your support. Come tell your story and let your voice be heard. History has proven that when people gather together in numbers and lift their voices on an issue, then action starts to take place. The homeowners in Maryland need action. dns settings . We need our elected officials to take the issues of foreclosures and illegal practices by the banks seriously. So join us as we lobby together to push for a freeze on foreclosures in Maryland.
See you at the rally in Annapolis, MD at the State House from 4:30pm to 8:00pm. We are urging homeowners to come out and support an emergency foreclosure moratorium for the state of Maryland. Bring your voices, Bring your Story and bring your signs.
You can Park at the Navy Marine Corps Memorial Stadium at 550 Taylor Avenue, Annapolis, MD 21401-2220. Please call me to see if there are any seats left and location for busing to Annapolis, MD on 2-24-2014.
If you would like to catch a Bus with us to Annapolis, PLEASE CONACT Our office ASAP by Friday February 21, 2014 by 10am or email Carmen