20-Point Marketing Checkup
- Are you targeting right customer
- Do you offer the right product services based on your customers’ needs
- Are your products/services priced according to cost, competition and customers’ willingness to buy
- Are your using the most effective distribution channels
- Are you advertising where you customers can find you
- Are you performing sales follow-up
- Are you exceeding your customer’s service expectations
- Are you accepting the major payment channel, cc, paypal, square, cashapp, etc.
- Do you have at least one referral system in place that’s sending you clients
- Are you networking to build stakeholder relationships, vendors, suppliers, contractors, partners
- Is your company in good standing with the laws, compliances and certifications for your industry
- Are you filing your taxes, keeping an eye on your profit and loss
- Are you adequately paying your staff, contractors, yourself
- Are you effectively using technology to increase sales, distribution and productivity
- Do you have access to your company’s domain and hosting accounts
- Is your website encrypted with an SSL certificate, is it Google and mobile-friendly
- Do you have an exit strategy and/or a plan for what happens if you are unable to continue in the business
- Are you practicing good business ethics, fairness, environmental friendliness
- Are you giving back, mentoring, training a new generation of entrepreneurs
- Are you taking care of your physical health, walking, exercising, drinking water, etc.